Sankyo Seiko Apparel Fashion Co., Ltd. releases in-store advertising service Ad+T

Sankyo Seiko Apparel Fashion Co., Ltd.

~In-Store T-Shirts Become Advertising Space? In-store advertising policy that has become a hot topic in restaurants.~

Sankyo Seiko Apparel Fashion Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Tetsuji Miyazawa) will begin offering Ad+T, an in-store advertising service that allows restaurants to place advertisements on employee uniforms, on July 1, 2024 (Monday).
Official Site:https://ad-t.jp

◆Service Overview
Ad+T is a new advertising service that allows you to reach your target customer base within 120 minutes of their stay in your restaurant by placing advertisements on the uniforms of restaurant employees. Due to the nature of the restaurant location, advertisements are seen many times over a long period of time. Furthermore, by displaying the creative of the advertisement in a large size, users who are interested in the advertisement can communicate with the wait staff and confirm about the advertised products and services, which will leave a lasting impression and memory of the advertisement. In addition, the time spent eating at a restaurant itself is “a time of enjoyment for the user,” and the recipient can have contact with the advertisement in a positive state. By placing this advertisement, you can make a different point of contact with the consumer than with other advertisements, making a strong impression on the consumer, making him or her memorable and increasing his or her willingness to purchase.

◆Development Background
In recent years, for companies developing new products and services, advertising methods that can reach target audiences and realize high effects have become increasingly important.
As the importance of advertising increases, so does the volume of advertisements, and the advertisements themselves often have a negative impression on users. The challenge is how to make contact with users who view advertisements when they are in a good state to receive them and have them view the advertisements in a positive light.
While many advertising media may have advertising products that focus on the number of contact points and targeting accuracy, Ad+T focuses on the user’s state of mind at the time of contact with the user’s advertisement.
Whether the same ad is perceived positively or negatively depends greatly on the user’s state of mind. It is important to show advertisements not just to make contact, but to show good products, brands, and corporate branding not at a time when users feel depressed, but at a time when their psychological state is positive and enjoyable.
Ad+T is a new advertising service that solves these issues by placing advertisements on the employee uniforms of restaurants, enabling contact with the target of the advertisement in a positive state.

◆Main effects
・Feature 1: Unparalleled recognition and likability in restaurants with 120 minutes of stay time
Since seeing advertisements in the enjoyable environment of a restaurant can create a positive impression on consumers and increase their willingness to purchase, they are particularly effective in raising awareness of new products and promoting seasonal menu items.
Furthermore, when employees wear the ads, they become more familiar with the content of the ads, making them more memorable to consumers.

・Feature 2: High targeting accuracy and reach
Unlike conventional offline advertising, which is directed at an unspecified number of people, selecting stores that match the target demographic ensures that advertisements reach a more clearly defined target audience.
It is also possible to target consumers in specific regions or with specific attributes, thereby eliminating wasteful advertising costs and achieving high cost-effectiveness.

・Feature 3: Interactive communication design and high diffusion and buzz
Since the ads are placed on the employees’ uniforms, customers visiting the restaurant may take pictures of the ads, post them on social networking sites, and engage in conversation with the waitstaff, which can be expected to generate further advertising effects.
In addition, the unique design, which is individually produced to suit the appeal and the store, not only attracts consumer interest as an advertisement, but also increases interest in the restaurant.

・Feature 4: Environmental Considerations
Uniforms can be used as they are after the advertising period is over, which contributes to waste reduction.
In addition, advertising uniforms are collected and recycled, thereby reducing environmental impact.

【For inquiries regarding this service, please contact】
Sankyo Seiko Apparel Fashion Co., Ltd.
Ad+T Inquiry Contact  adt@sankyoseiko.co.jp

UNITED SILK Co., Ltd. exhibits at [VIVA TECHNOLOGY 2024] Japan Pavilion

Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd.

UNITED SILK Co., Ltd., in which we have invested exhibited at the VIVA TECHNOLOGY 2024, one of the world’s largest tech events.

■What is VIVA TECHNOLOGY 2024?
A global technology event held in Paris, France from May 22 to 25, 2024.
With strong backing from the French government, including the French President as a speaker every year, this is a world-class tech event that brings together major companies promoting open innovation from France and abroad, such as Google and LVMH Group, leading start-ups from various countries, and key people in the field of innovation.

Mr. Kawai, President of UNITED SILK Co., Ltd., explained to Bruno Le Maire Minister of Economy, Finance, Industry and Digital Sovereignty about the integrated system from raising silkworms to extracting raw materials.

Sankyo Seiko’s New Mid-term Plan: Expanding Brand Business Globally, Unique Material for Product OEM Being Silk(May 23, 2024, Senken Shimbun)

Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd.

On May 23, 2024, an article about our company was published in Senken Shimbun newspaper.

Sankyo Seiko is aiming to expand its brand business globally in a new three-year mid-term management plan, with the fiscal year ending March 2025 as the initial year. The company plans to accelerate the opening of flagship stores in major cities around the world, with a focus on Asia. In addition to apparel, they will also emphasize OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) for products other than apparel and strengthen the development of proprietary materials through collaboration with United Silk, in which they invested at the end of March.

The combined number of stores for “DAKS” in English and “LEONARD” in France was 138 as of the end of the previous fiscal year (March 2024), with 74 domestically (32 for Ducks and 42 for Leonard) and 64 internationally (53 for Ducks and 11 for Leonard). While China has been the main focus for store expansion for DAKS in the past, President Akira Inoue stated, “We also aim to enter China with LEONARD.” In the next stage, they plan to expand into Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia. In this process, they aim to deepen their partnership with the Saha group. They are also considering the Indian market for the future.

DAKS plans to open flagship stores in Tokyo and London, aiming to do so within the first half of the fiscal year ending in 2025. LEONARD, in addition to its existing three stores in Hong Kong, plans to open a new store in Macau this summer. They also plan to open new stores in Paris, in addition to the existing two. Regarding China, they view the timing as not yet ripe, waiting to gauge success in Hong Kong and Macau. This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, and they want to take advantage of events related to this milestone to facilitate entry into the Chinese market. Meanwhile, in Florida, they held a trunk show for LEONARD this spring, attracting visitors primarily from the affluent class and achieving sales of around 10 million yen over a few days. They also conducted business negotiations with select shops at the venue, aiming to expand their business on a wholesale basis.

For OEM products, they will continue to propose high value-added plans centered around apparel, striving for further differentiation. Collaboration with United Silk is part of this effort, aiming to strengthen material development such as washable silk and silk-cashmere. They also expect this to serve as a foothold for entering non-textile sectors. They are exploring possibilities for business realization in fields such as cosmetics and food utilizing silk protein, among others.


◆Senken Shimbun Home Page https://senken.co.jp/

Sankyo Seiko’s New Mid-term Plan: “DAKS” and “LEONARD” Spearhead Offensive, Launching New Flagship Stores in World Capitals (May 16, 2024, Senken Shimbun)

Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd.

On May 16, 2024, an article about our company was published in Senken Shimbun newspaper.

Sankyo Seiko has formulated a new medium-term management plan, “Challenge Next 100,” with the fiscal year ending March 27 as the final year.

The basic strategy consists of three points: “Expansion of Global Brand Business,” “Transformation of the OEM (Production by Partner Brands) Business Model,” and “Aggressive Growth Investment.” The consolidated performance targets for the final year are set at sales of 25 billion yen (212 billion yen for the fiscal year ending March 24), operating profit of 2.8 billion yen (2.4 billion yen), and ordinary profit of 3.5 billion yen (3.3 billion yen). The goal for ROE (Return on Equity) is 6.5% (5.1% for the fiscal year ending March 24).

The new medium-term plan is positioned as the second-phase plan toward the long-term vision “Symbiosis Next 100.” For the expansion of global brand business, the company plans to reconstruct the licensing business of the British brand “DAKS.” The French brand “LEONARD,” acquired in 2022, will explore new customers and enter new markets. Both brands will accelerate the opening of new flagship stores in major cities worldwide. Investment and nurturing of new brands are also planned.

Regarding the OEM business, the company aims to strengthen efforts in non-apparel initiatives and develop highly unique materials to enhance the value proposition. It will establish production systems for small lots and quick response (QR) in both domestic and Chinese markets. Production capabilities in Southeast Asia and South Asia will also be reinforced. In addition to pursuing global business with new brands and products, the company plans to expand into non-textile fields through M&A (mergers and acquisitions).

Growth investment is planned on a larger scale than the previous medium-term plan, surpassing approximately 6 billion yen (including around 2 billion yen for M&A and approximately 4 billion yen for real estate). The company aims to continue “aggressive growth investment,” including investment in human capital.

The company achieved the targets set in the previous period (fiscal year ending March 24). Particularly, it cleared the initial target of 2.5 billion yen for consolidated ordinary profit one year ahead. It also achieved the upwardly revised plan of 3 billion yen in the previous period.


◆Senken Shimbun Home Page https://senken.co.jp/

【Frontline of Manufacturing】Hokuriku Sankyoseiko: Safeguarding and Transmitting Unique Techniques of “LEONARD” – Value Born from Deliberation and Precision (May 15, 2024, Senken Shimbun)

Hokuriku Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd.

On May 15, 2024, an article about Hokuriku Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd. was published in Senken Shimbun newspaper.

The sewing factory of Hokuriku Sankyo Seiko (located in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture), part of the Sankyo Seiko Group, has inherited and maintained the sewing techniques that maximize the prints of the French ladies’ brand “LEONARD” often hailed as the “most beautiful in the world.”

A Quiet Sewing Factory:

Previously focusing on casual brands like cut-and-sew, they now specialize in LEONARD’s Japanese planning called “LEONARD Fashion” since joining the Sankyo Seiko Group. They produce almost a full range of items, including flagship products like dresses, bottoms, and coats. Prices typically range from around 200,000 yen for dresses, 100,000 yen for blouses, to 400,000 yen for down coats. “Quality over quantity. Since we take our time to craft each piece, the sound of sewing machines isn’t as prominent. We’re often called a quiet sewing factory,” says Factory Manager Yasukawa.

The most crucial sewing techniques unique to LEONARD are those needed for the neckline, cuffs, and hems, where the signature “border” print fabric is used. While designers prefer using borders to capture LEONARD’s essence, Yasukawa requests restraint due to the labor-intensive nature of their use, resulting in a compromise in design decisions.

Turning Straight Lines into Curves:

Several panel patterns are manually cut, and multiple narrow ribbon borders are created. When used around the neckline, these ribbons are gradually curved with an iron to match the curve of the collar. Creating pleats on the upper part of the border and stretching the fabric while ironing the lower part gradually curves the initially straight fabric into the shape of a round neckline. While the finishing process seems smooth, the depth and shallowness of the neckline vary with each product number, adding to the complexity. This technique, known as “setting the habit” of the collar border, is one of LEONARD’s secrets.

Similarly, using borders on cuffs and hems is tricky. Though they appear as a single piece of printed fabric, a closer look reveals sewn-on ribbon borders. This process, done from the back of the fabric, requires precision, as any deviation from the design, even by a millimeter, renders the product non-standard, highlighting the time-consuming nature of the task, contrary to the factory’s pursuit of efficiency.

Hand-Sewing Back Zippers for a Couture Feel:

Another distinctive technique is “star stopping” the zipper on the back of LEONARD’s iconic dresses, which is hand-sewn. This not only enhances strength but also minimizes the visibility of the zipper on the outer fabric, giving off a couture-like atmosphere despite being ready-to-wear.

Yasukawa emphasizes, “These special techniques, like border setting and zipper star stopping, will be preserved and passed on as long as LEONARD continues,” expressing the determination to train as many craftsmen as possible who possess these skills.

Leveraging the Power of the Website:

The biggest challenge they face is the shortage of labor. The acquisition of the French brand “LEONARD” by Sankyo Seiko, 22 years ago, has brought them to where they are now. Despite overcoming the challenges posed by the pandemic, their workforce has reduced to around 50 from the peak of 200 employees. Gaining traction with LEONARD’s success, they aim to increase production, yet securing manpower remains a hurdle, according to Enomoto, Executive Officer of Sankyo Seiko Fashion Services, who oversees Hokuriku Sankyo Seiko.

They plan to organize a workshop event this summer to introduce people to the joy of manufacturing and sewing by operating sewing machines. They also want to facilitate exchanges by inviting teams from Sankyo Seiko Fashion Services, responsible for LEONARD’s sales, among others.

The company revamped its website in January, focusing strongly on LEONARD’s image and their commitment to craftsmanship, resulting in positive changes. Post-renovation, there has been an increase in visitors, and already, four women in their 30s and 40s have joined the company. With plans to gradually increase salaries, Enomoto suggests considering establishing a new factory in Fukui Prefecture to ensure the continuity of skills and to pass the baton to the next generation.

Reporter’s Note:

The city of Katsuyama, once thriving as a textile production center, is now an hour’s train ride from Fukui City. Its picturesque setting, with rivers and greenery, provides a relaxed atmosphere. With a population of just over 20,000, the story of how the website renewal contributed to recruitment is noteworthy. LEONARD Fashion’s print fabrics are crafted by Kyoto’s Segawa Dye Works, using hand dyeing. Considering business continuity from a BCP perspective, they explored the possibility of other companies printing the fabrics but started discussions with an Italian company recommended by LEONARD’s Paris headquarters. There are various hurdles to expanding business while maintaining brand identity.

Despite the challenges of increasing their workforce, they significantly boosted efficiency by introducing state-of-the-art cutting and button attaching machines. The question of what tasks to automate, and what to retain as handcraft, remains a dilemma, but they are committed to continuing to produce high-value garments born from craftsmen’s hands.

(Takada Atsushi)

◆Senken Shimbun Home Page https://senken.co.jp/

DAKS held 130th Anniversary Collection Show

Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd.

DAKS, a British brand founded in 1894, held its 2024-25 Autumn/Winter Anniversary Collection Show on Friday, April 19, 2024, at Otemachi Mitsui Hall in Tokyo to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the brand. Creative Director Luc Goidadin visited Japan to present a capsule collection embodying timeless classic British style with a modern touch.

★Click here to view the Fall/Winter 2024-25 Capsule Collection show report and show looks.

Show Report

Show Looks

◆DAKS AW24 Capsule Collection
This collection show features a variation on the Geo Check, originally presented as an anniversary check, using more sophisticated styles and materials. The collection expresses and reinterprets traditional standard items with a modern, laid-back taste. The collection uses rich, prestigious fabrics such as wool jacquard and soft tweed, with Geo Check tailoring. The items are meticulously crafted with a playful touch.

Completed reconstruction of company housing in Tateishi

Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd.

On March 25, 2024, a ceremony was held to celebrate the completion of the reconstruction of company housing in Tateishi, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo.

From right, Mr. Akira Inoue, CEO, Sankyo Seiko Group, Mr. Eiichiro Suzuki, President, San Lets Co., Ltd.

The new company housing has the following facilities and has received the highest rating of 5 stars from the Building-Housing Energy-efficiency Labeling System (BELS), which evaluates the energy-saving performance of a building. It has also received ZEH (Net Zero Energy House) certification as a building that aims to achieve a zero annual energy balance, making it a building with low environmental impact.

・Thermal insulated double glazing
・Solar power generation system
・Highly insulated
・Heat-insulated bathtubs
・High-efficiency air conditioners
・LED lighting
・High-efficiency water heater

LEONARD Presented the fall/winter 2024 Paris Collection


LEONARD announced on Friday 1 March 2023 at 10:00 AM local time ( 5:00 PM GMT), which the Paris collection for fall/winter 2024 was presented at Palais de Tokyo, 16th ward, Paris.
The theme of the collection is LA ESCAPADA.


★LEONARD Paris Collection video can be viewed here.


From 24AW, both men’s and women’s wear will be offered by the brand holder Sankyo Seiko Group!

Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd.

~Preliminary announcement at DAKS 130th Anniversary Event on April 19 (Fri.)~

Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd., which is involved in the apparel brand licensing business for “DAKS” and “LEONARD,” will begin planning, manufacturing, and sales of DAKS men’s wear and DAKS golf wear from September 2024 through its group company, Sankyo Seiko Fashion Service Co., Ltd.
This year, DAKS celebrates the 130th anniversary of its founding.From now on, the manufacturing, sales, and importing of men’s and women’s apparel, DAKS’ main business, will be conducted by the Sankyo Seiko Group under the new concept of DAKS LONDON.

<Image to be rolled out from 24FW>

◆Outline of DAKS 130th Anniversary Event
DAKS, a British brand established in 1894, will hold an anniversary event to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the brand.
DAKS Creative Director Luc Goidadin will present a 24AW capsule collection show.

Date: Friday, April 19, 2024 from 5:00 p.m.
Venue: 2-1, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Otemachi Mitsui Hall Otemachi One 3F

“DAKS” 130th Anniversary Year in 2024 Collaboration with “Detective Conan”!

Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd.

~”DAKS x Detective Conan” Towel Handkerchief on sale in limited quantities~

DAKS Simpson Limited, a consolidated subsidiary of our company, owns the British royal warrant brand DAKS, will release a limited edition towel handkerchief in collaboration with “Detective Conan” from January 12, 2024 at the Shonen Sunday Premium Shop, the official online shopping site of Shonen Sunday, and at the 30th Anniversary Detective Conan Exhibition.

◆”DAKS x Detective Conan” towel handkerchief
The year 2024 marks the 130th anniversary of the founding of DAKS and the 30th anniversary of the serialization of “Detective Conan”. The two have teamed up to collaborate on this project.
A total of six types of towel handkerchiefs with the brand logo and iconic marks of each character embroidered on the house check pattern that symbolizes DAKS are available.

The package comes in a special package with the DD logo pattern of DAKS with the logo and iconic marks of the characters foil-stamped on the front of the package, and a striking original frame of each character on the inside, making it a great gift idea.

Conan Edogawa, Heiji Hattori, Ai Hibara, Shuichi Akai, Toru Amuro + “? (Total 6 kinds)
Each ¥1,540 (tax included)
The “?” will be released at a later date. Please look forward to it.

【Material】 100% cotton

【Towel handkerchief size】approx. 25 x 25 cm

【Package size】About 17.5 x 11.5 x 2cm

【Date and place of sale】From January 12, 2024

Shonen Sunday Premium SHOP

30th Anniversary Detective Conan Exhibition

◆”30th Anniversary Detective Conan Exhibition” Tokyo Venue Overview

■Event Title
30th Anniversary Detective Conan Exhibition
January 12, 2024 (Fri) – February 25, 2024 (Sun)
10:00-19:00 (last admission at 18:30)
Exhibition Hall A, Sunshine City, Ikebukuro
(World Import Mart Building 4F, 3-1-3 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo)

・Nationwide Tour Schedule
Venue: Sunshine City, Ikebukuro
Dates: January 12 (Fri.) – February 25 (Sun.)
Venue: JR Kyushu Hall
Dates: March 16 (Sat) – April 7 (Sun)
Venue: Sapporo Factory
Dates: April 13 (Sat) – May 12 (Sun)
Venue: TFU Gallery Minimori
Dates: Saturday, May 18 – Sunday, June 16
Venue: Daimaru Museum <Umeda> Daimaru Umeda Store, 15th floor
Dates: Mid-July to mid-August (tentative)
Venue: NTT Cred Hall
Dates: August 17 (Sat) – September 8 (Sun)
Venue: Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No. 1, 2F Space, 3F Hall
Dates: September 14 (Sat) – October 6 (Sun)
Venue: To be announced at a later date
Dates: November 16 (Sat) – December 15 (Sun)

The schedule is subject to change.
Please check the official event website and Official X for the latest information.

【Official X】
Shonen Sunday Premium SHOP (@sunday_premium)

【Official】 30th Anniversary Detective Conan Exhibition (@CONAN_ten)

◆About “Detective Conan
Shinichi Kudo is a high school detective whose father is a world-famous mystery novelist. He has solved a number of difficult cases One day, while on a date with his childhood friend Ran Mouri, he witnesses a deal between mysterious men in black!Shinichi is drugged with poison to make the witness disappear, and although he manages to survive, he is transformed into a child. If the organization finds out that Kudo Shinichi is alive, even the people around him are in danger.
He calls himself “Conan Edogawa” and continues to solve difficult cases. All of this is done in order to discover the identity of the mysterious organization and to regain his identity as Kudo Shinichi.
There is no such thing as an unsolvable mystery in this world!
A great detective without a labyrinth, there is always one truth!

【Official X】
Conan Edogawa(@conan_file)

DAKS official online shop

DAKS official Instagram

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