“For the children of 100 years from now— Contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through fashion.”

Since its founding in 1920, SANKYO SEIKO GROUP has walked its path with the mission of being a “proposer of lifestyle culture,” contributing to the improvement of people’s quality of life and the realization of a society with abundant dreams. Our ultimate goal is to maximize the satisfaction of shareholders, customers, and employees, promote coexistence with society, and tackle all the challenges surrounding the group from a long-term perspective through SDGs management, aiming for the realization of a sustainable world.

As we enter the unpredictable era of VUCA, the business environment surrounding our company is becoming more uncertain. In such circumstances, there is a strong demand for responses to social issues, including environmental issues, and the disclosure of related information.

代表取締役社長 CEO 井ノ上 明

Towards the realization of a sustainable society, we identify specific challenges from three perspectives: Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG), and aim to solve social issues through fashion.

Firstly, under “Environment,” we will calculate and visualize greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1,2). Additionally, we are committed to utilizing environmentally friendly materials and technologies and reducing waste to minimize environmental impact. Secondly, under “Social,” we promote talent management to create an environment where diverse talents can thrive and aim to enhance employee engagement. Moreover, as our company operates globally, we leverage diversity management to unleash the full potential of each employee, contributing to the company’s growth. The rapid shift to online operations during the pandemic, we regularly hold company-wide remote sessions called “GROUP MEETS” to facilitate mutual communication. I personally speak at these sessions twice a year, sharing the company’s policies, vision, and values, fostering alignment among employees.

Lastly, regarding “Governance,” we will continue to strengthen corporate governance by ensuring compliance, risk management, and proactive information disclosure. Moving forward, we will continue to practice ESG management through dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society for future generations. We appreciate your continued support and understanding of our group.